Tuesday, June 2, 2009

He's Just Not That Into You....Really.

After watching "He's Just Not That Into You", I can't think of any movie that more accurately portrays women as I know them. Except for the fact that, in the movie, they all live in the real world where everyone sleeps with each other, I felt as if I was watching my friends (and myself) on reality TV.

The movie discusses the fact that we, as females, have a huge lie pounded into our heads from the time we are little girls on the playground.
When a guy teases you/is mean to you/ignores you/everything else he does to try to push you away, really it is all because he likes you. That's how he shows it.

I never officially subscribed to this belief. Even so, I am guilty on many counts.
I over-analyze. I cyber-stalk. Like most girls I know, I see what i want to see.

But really...What the heck?!
We only do these things because we wonder. We aren't sure what's going on in a guy's head. We have to try to find our way through the puzzle of all the games and try to figure out what he really means and wants. It would be a lot easier if he would just spell it out from the beginning.

Here are some examples:
Tom: "I think you're very attractive and personable. I see potential. Let's talk about this more over a cup of coffee."
Bradley: "I know we are just friends, but I want you to know that I think I might have feelings for you. Now that I got that off my chest, want to go bowling?"
See! It's not that hard!

Or even...
James: "It was nice to meet you. I had a great time but I am not interested. I won't be calling."
You might be thinking "ouch", but maybe it hurts less than what you go through after trying to identify a guy's signs, finally identifying them as positive, and then being majorly let down.

This movie really makes me think...a little bit too much. I don't want to be that psycho-chick who freaks guys out and scares them away. I also don't want to be the girl who wastes so much energy over-analyzing every single word that a guy says, whether it be via text, phone, or actual in person interaction. But, at the same time, if I don't take hold of some "signals" (whether I'm reading them right or not!) then I will end up giving every guy the cold shoulder out of fear of misreading and chasing him away. I guess it's all about balance. And I know that I suck at balance.

One last thing: In the movie, Alex says that if a guy wants a girl, he'll make it happen.
While this might be true in the "real world", I just don't have that much faith in Jewish guys. From my experience, they are way wimpier than that.


  1. Well. Looks like you are playing the game, and that you like it. A challenge is always something that keeps a hold of you. With out that my friend, we wouldn't be so obsessed and in love with the game. If we didn't like it, wouldn't we stop playing.


  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Jewish Guys equals balls like Target equals Prada. Target does not have Prada.Ouch.
    That chica, is a lie.
    JG (Jewish Guys) go out there and do their thing but are met with resistance from fine ladies and so are discouraged from ever daring to do it again. Next time a guy asks you out, no matter how shtark and hot, go out with him. Don't be a ball buster.

    your sip of sweet sin

  4. As a Jewish Guy, I have to say that the movie misrepresents guys. If a guy doesn't call you, he may want to, but fear rejection. Say what you want, say its very cowardly, say its silly, but thats how many guys feel. Jewish and "real world people" (god!).

    When a guy goes over to a girl and says, hey, I think you're cute, we should go out, it isnt a pressure free scenario. He is putting himslef on the line. I don't speak for EVERY guy, but I know a lot of guys don't get a simple 'no'. I know friends who have been snubbed by girls who admitted they wanted to go out with them.The game is stupid, but its played by both sides.

    Last thing a guy wants to do is ask a girl and have her respond with the simple, common response, "eww, no!" Some men don't like to have their egos crushed.

  5. PPR-I don't think you give jewish guys enough credit-we're not as wimpy as you think - I've asked out numerous girls, albeit with varying degrees of success, but i'm not afraid of rejection.
    but is it just me, or are jewish girls not interested in guys asking them out anyway? from my experience,it seems that they'd prefer a random shidduch date over a guy-friend asking them out. whatever happened to the cliche romantic-comedy ideal of friends falling in love?
    so jewish guys won't ask a girl out, not only from fear of rejection, but becuase the girls and the system frown upon it, and prefer the shiduch-don't hate the player, hate the game.
    and if you're upset about him not asking you out, ask him out yourself!
